ATOMDANCE - comparative molecular dynamics software
ATOMDANCE is developed by Dr Gregory A. Babbitt (Bioinformatics) and Dr. Ernest P Fokoue (mathematics) and graduate and undergraduate students at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY USA.
ATOMDANCE - kernel-based denoising and choreographic analysis for protein dynamic comparison

ATOMDANCE software is a python-based user interfaced suite of machine learning assisted statistical methods for site-wise comparisons of molecular dynamic trajectories of proteins in two functional or evolutionary states (e.g. ligand-bound vs. unbound or wildtype vs mutated). Dynamic comparisons between homologous sites can be direct (i.e. divergence metrics) or de-noised (i.e. maximum mean discrepancy between learned features). Comparisons of non-homologous site dynamics can also detect communities of sites that share coordinated motions (i.e. due to resonance and/or more complex mechanisms of allostery).
a fundamental problem in comparative molecular dynamics
_VIDEO-introduction_The motions of proteins are comprised of both random thermal noise induced by solvent interactions as well as non-random machine-like motions related to protein function. When two dynamic trajectories are compared directly, the random motions in each simulation can create large differences that are meaningless with respect to protein function and its evolution. Because machine learning cannot learn from random noise, the discrepancy between learned features in dynamics simulations representing two functional states can be utilized for creating de-noised comparisons that isolate the non-random dynamics in key sites involved in protein function.
our software
ATOMDANCE was developed in python 3.11 and additionally requires the cpptraj library and UCSF Chimerax molecular visualization software to be installed. The methods and software is offered freely (without guarantee) under GPL 3.0 and was developed by Dr. Gragory A. Babbitt, Dr. Ernest P. Fokoue and students at the Rochester Institute of Technology between 2017-2024.
ATOMDANCE combines 4 main programs
DROIDS 5.0 - (Detecting Relative Outlier Impacts in Dynamic Simulation) providing direct stie-wise comparisons (i.e. divergence metrics) and hypothesis testing for significant differences in amino acid fluctuations
maxDemon 4.0 - (kernel-based machine learning for comparative protein dynamics) providing (A) denoised site-wise comparisons of atom fluctuations utilizing max mean discrepancy (MMD) on learned features and (B) site-wise identification of non-neutral evolutionary changes in molecular dynamics (also via MMD).
Choreograph 2.0 - multi-effects model ANOVA and graph theory community detection on interaction networks designed for mapping of time-coordinated site dynamics (i.e. choreographic analysis)
We also offer an easy user interface for running the machine learning post processor (

We also offer a user interface for running MD simulations (

ATOMDANCE: python module dependencies (os, getopt, sys, multiprocessing, random, re, chimerax.core.commands) python modules to be installed (PyQt5, numpy, scipy, pandas, sklearn, scikit-learn, matplotlib, patchworklib, plotnine, progress, parmed, netCDF4, pingouin, networkx) NOTE: for best results, the CPU on the computer should support at least 4-6 cores and if is used a modern GPU will be required.
QUICK INSTALL (terminal):
conda create –-name atomdance
conda activate atomdance
conda install –c conda-forge ambertools=23
conda install –c conda-forge openmm
conda install –c conda-forge openmm cudatoolkit=11.8 (for specific cuda library)
pip3 install PyQt5, numpy, scipy, pandas, sklearn, scikit-learn, matplotlib, patchworklib, plotnine, progress, parmed, netCDF4, pingouin, networkx
unzip our download folder, add files to be analyzed (.pdb, .prmtop, and .nc)
Babbitt G.A. et al. 2024. ATOMDANCE: kernel-based denoising and choreographic analysis for protein dynamic comparison BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. .pdf_ supp figs_ supp method_
Babbitt G.A. Coppola E.E. Mortensen J.S. Adams L.E. Liao J. K. 2018. DROIDS 1.2 – a GUI-based pipeline for GPU-accelerated comparative protein dynamics. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 114: 1009-1017. CELL Press. .pdf_
Babbitt G.A. Fokoue E. Evans J.R. Diller K.I. Adams L.E. 2020. DROIDS 3.0 - Detection of genetic and drug class variant impact on conserved protein binding dynamics. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 118: 541-551 CELL Press. .pdf_
Babbitt G.A. Fokoue E.P. Srivastava H.R. Callahan B. Rajendran M. 2022. Statistical machine learning for comparative protein dynamics with the DROIDS/maxDemon software pipeline. STAR PROTOCOLS 3(1):101194 .pdf_
Rajendran M. Ferran M.C. Mouli L. Babbitt G.A. Lynch M.L. 2023. Evolution of drug resistance drives destabilization of flap region dynamics in HIV-1 protease. BIOPHYSICAL REPORTS 3(3):100121. .pdf_
Rajendran M. Babbitt G.A. 2022. Persistent cross-species SARS-CoV-2 variant infectivity predicted via comparative molecular dynamics simulation. ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE 9(11):220600. .pdf_
Rajendran M. Ferran M.C. Babbitt G.A. 2022. Identifying vaccine escape sites via statistical comparisons of short-term molecular dynamics. BIOPHYSICAL REPORTS 2(2):100056 .pdf_
Rynkiewicz P. Babbitt G.A. Cui F. Hudson A.O. Lynch M.L. 2021. Functional binding dynamics relevant to the evolution of zoonotic spillovers in endemic and emergent Betacoronavirus strains. JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS. DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2021.1953604 .pdf_
Babbitt G.A. Lynch M. McCoy. M. Fokoue E.P. Hudson A.O. 2020. Function and evolution of B-Raf loop dynamics relevant to cancer recurrence under drug inhibition. JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS doi: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1815578 .pdf_
direct vs. de-noised site-wise comparisons of molecular dynamics
Using both direct and denoised comparisons, we analyze the site-wise effects of (A) DNA binding in TATA-binding protein (TBP), (B) drug(sorafenib) binding and activation loop triggering in BRAF kinase, and (C) SARS-CoV-2 spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) and angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) protein-protein interaction.
direct vs de-noised comparison of MD trajectory

DNA-protein interaction
direct comparison - divergence metrics
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DNA-protein interaction
de-noised comparison - max mean discrepancy
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drug-protein interaction
direct comparison - divergence metrics
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drug-protein interaction
de-noised comparison - max mean discrepancy
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virus-target interaction
direct comparison - divergence metrics
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virus-target interaction
de-noised comparison - max mean discrepancy
View moreDownload and License
ATOMDANCE is offered freely without warranty or guarantee under a GPL 3.0 license and can be found at the GitHub repo linked above. If you publish using our work, please cite us using one or more of the papers listed above
We offer an extensive user guide .pdf in the link above. This guide covers installation, explanation of methods, user instructions, and example output.
NEW: data sonification/movie generation tools

AAV (atomdance audio-visualizer) data sonification and movie generator for analyzing protein interactions. This program offers a stand-alone GUI that controls MD simulation, trajectory analysis, and post-processing. To run : 'python3' and after .wav file and .mp4 file generation run ''. Requires additional python module installation – opencv-python, moviepy, soundfile, pyfar, pydub.
Example of the data sonification of 1ns MD simulation of BRAF kinase domain interaction with ATP.
_VIDEO-data_sonification_example_Note on the naming of things:
DROIDS – acronym for Detecting Relative Outlier Impacts in Dynamics Simulations
maxDemon – abbreviated from Maxwell’s Demon, a 19th century thought experiment connecting the concepts of information and entropy in thermodynamics involving a mythical demon watching/assessing the motion of every atom in a system.
ChoreoGraph – evokes a notion of when motions of atoms at amino acids site ‘move together’ in a coordinated manner, in much the same way dancers may move together in choreography.
ATOMDANCE – an homage to a song composition by Icelandic singer Bjork Guomundsdottir from her 2015 album Vulnicura (One Little Indian Records)